Assistance to the populationAssistance to the population

Charitable Foundation "Peaceful Heaven of Kharkiv" and the UN World Food Programme: Joint Efforts to Assist the Population

Charitable Foundation "Peaceful Heaven of Kharkiv" collaborates enthusiastically and with great hope for the future with the UN World Food Programme to aid the most vulnerable segments of the population. In these challenging times, we have combined our efforts to support those in dire need of humanitarian aid, particularly food.

The UN World Food Programme is our reliable partner, working with us to alleviate the harsh living conditions faced by Ukrainians. Our goal is to provide essential food supplies to everyone in need. We take special care in assembling food packages with long shelf lives that ensure a diverse diet rich in all necessary micro and macronutrients, as well as vitamins. Each package is selected with the health and well-being of people in mind.

Food packages, distribution, and reporting

The distribution of food packages from the UN World Food Programme is organized to ensure that aid reaches those in need quickly and efficiently. We operate in the Kharkiv and Kherson regions, where the needs are high. Each food package includes basic products to meet people's essential needs:

- Fresh bread.

- Flour: for baking bread and other baked goods, which are staples.

- Ricе: easy to store and prepare.

- Pasta: quick to cook and provides long-lasting satiety.

- Cereals: Wheat, buckwheat, and corn, rich in vitamins and minerals.

- Canned goods: Meat, fish, and vegetable preserves with long shelf lives, convenient for storage and a source of protein.

- Oil: essential for any dish and aids in its digestion.

- Tea and coffee.

- Sugar.

- Salt: a vital seasoning.

These food packages not only provide sustenance but also save lives and give residents hope for a better future. Our workers travel to distribution sites in communities and hand out the packages. During the distribution, we take photos or video reports with the recipient's consent, which can be viewed on our social media or website.

Aid in the Kharkiv Region

In the de-occupied areas, a significant portion of buildings need restoration. Due to the hostilities, enterprises, stores, and homes have been destroyed. There are villages where people cannot even buy bread, let alone basic food items. We are doing everything possible to ensure that every resident of the Kharkiv region is fed. Our main areas of work within the joint project with the UN World Food Programme are the Tsyrkuny, Derhachi, and Lyptsi communities.

Aid in the Kherson Region

Life under shelling and constant combat a few kilometers away is incredibly challenging both materially and physically and psychologically. Humanitarian packages from the UN World Food Programme support physical health and energy as well as help people stay afloat psychologically. They feel our care and know they are not alone in their struggles. We regularly provide residents of the Kherson region with food packages and fresh bread, which alone lifts spirits and gives hope for tomorrow, where there is surely hope for peace and a happy life.

Main сriteria for food package distribution

Kherson and Region:

- Households with a single parent (certificate of single parent status required).

- Low-income families (document confirming social assistance for low-income families required).

- Households with a person who has lost their job (certificate of unemployment or other document confirming current unemployment required).

- Large families (3+ children, birth certificates of three or more children under 18 required).

Kharkiv Region: Tsyrkuny, Derhachi, and Lyptsi communities

All residents living in these communities.


- Households with a person with a disability (groups 1, 2, 3) or a child with a disability (disability certificate required).

- Households with a single parent (certificate of single parent status required).

- Low-income families (document confirming social assistance for low-income families required).

- Households with a person who has lost their job (certificate of unemployment or other document confirming current unemployment required).

- Households registered at the territorial center.

- Households consisting of a single elderly person aged 60+.

- Large families (3+ children, birth certificates of three or more children under 18 required).

Aid is provided exclusively upon presentation of original documents for all household members, such as passports, taxpayer identification numbers, and documents confirming vulnerability status.

A reason to be proud

Our partnership with the UN World Food Programme exemplifies how international organizations can unite to achieve common goals. We are actively working to ensure that our efforts reach every Ukrainian in need. Joint projects enable us to significantly expand our activities and support more people. We invite large charitable organizations, businesses, and volunteers willing to contribute to this noble cause for a brighter future. We believe that only together can we bring hope and light in the darkest times.

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