Our city and region constantly suffer from shelling. And because of this, we have a lot of Human losses and the destruction of the homes of the residents of Kharkiv region.
Due to constant stressful situations, many people cannot solve their psychological and legal problems. Often, adults and children cannot cope with the difficulties they have to face.
Our Charitable Foundation "Peaceful Heaven of Kharkiv" creates special offices for individual psychological and legal support for adults and children based on our points of social and humanitarian aid. Anyone in need can receive help from a qualified psychologist or legal advice here.
Stages of the project
Legal and psychological assistance
1. Collection of information:
- searching for places to organize 15 medical offices in Kharkiv and another 30 in Kharkiv region.
2. Purchasing of necessary equipment:
- purchasing all the equipment and building materials for the execution will be through the open tenders.
3. Maintenance
- attraction and employment of qualified lawyers and psychologists;
- maintenance costs (maintenance and technical support).
4. Organization of work performance:
- all organizational work will be performed by CO «CF «Peaceful Heaven of Kharkiv» employees, who have appropriate qualifications and have undergone preliminary training.
5. Preparation of separate offices:
- creating conditions in offices for working with a psychologist for children and adults;
- organization of places of legal assistance;
6. Intermediate control:
- the act of completing work and using materials, photo and video recording of each completed work with subsequent storage on Google Drive;
- a form for providing psychological or legal assistance (we record the full name and Passport data of each person who receives aid).