Children's programChildren's program

Currently, the Charitable Foundation "Peaceful Sky of Kharkiv" database includes about 15,000 families with children aged 3 to 16 who need special humanitarian kits, because the standard food kit is designed for an adult and does not take into account the age-related needs of a child's body. The body of children from 3 to 16 years old is in the phase of active growth and development, therefore it needs more vitamins and proteins ("building material" of tissues, bone system, etc.). The most vulnerable period for the child's body is the off-season (spring and autumn), when preliminary preparation in the form of obtaining all the necessary enzymes, proteins, etc. is important. This will reduce the risk of seasonal diseases and vitamin deficiency.

Stages of the project

Children's food boxes

1. Development of humanitaian children's kits

- seasonal fruits and vegetables (apples, pears, cucumbers, tomatoes, etc.);

- products rich in protein (canned tuna, canned cod liver, meat pates, etc.);

- dried fruits and nuts;

- healthy sweets without excess sugar and juice.

2. Information gathering

Our Foundation call center is already processing an increase in the number of requests from families with young children aged 3 to 16, who need special humanitarian aid and the delivery of children's kits.

3. Fundraising for project implementtion

The cost of the project on the organization of special children's kits is 990,000 euros, including the purchase of products for one month to provide assistance to 15,000 children.


Purchase of products

- All products required for individual children's kits will be purchased from local enterprises through a tender;

- daily packaging of portions will be done according to the gram standard.

5. Distribution and delivery of children's food boxes

- every day our employees will pack 500 sets in our warehouse;

- it is planned to deliver 15,000 sets to families with children every month (1 child - 1 set).

6. Intermediate control

- photo and video recording of each provided individual food box;

- notes on the distribution of humanitarian aid (we record the full name, passport data, and location of each person who receives aid).

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