We workWe are working

1. Charitable Foundation Peaceful Heaven of Kharkiv started operatingfrom the first days of the full-scale invasion. At that time, a team of severalconcerned Kharkiv residents united to help their neighbors and worked togetherto feed the residents of the most destroyed section of Kharkiv, Saltivka.

2. However, the need for help was growing as the number of victimsincreased daily. Gradually, a lot of people who cared joined us. Soon, our teamgrew to 570 employees and volunteers, and we became one of the largestfoundations in the east and south of Ukraine.

3. Together, we implement dozens of projects and programs aimed athelping the victims of the conflict. In our activities, we adhere to theinviolable principle of providing timely emergency assistance to people.

4. Within 72 hours after the de-occupation of the Kharkiv region, andlater the terrorist attack on the Kakhovka dam, we opened social kitchens inKupiansk, Izyum, Kharkiv, and Kherson. Now each of them feeds about 2,000people every day.

5. An exceptionally important program for us is to help socialize andprovide psychological support to the youngest Ukrainians who live underconstant stress from shelling and have not been able to fully communicate withtheir peers for more than three years.

6. That is why our foundation has already opened 13 children's spaces,which have reached about 50,000 children since their creation. Thanks toqualified teachers, the children receive comprehensive support and thenecessary attention.

7. During the war, the problem of rehabilitation of children with specialeducational needs became particularly acute. To help solve this problem, wecreated the Special Children project, which helps children with autism spectrumdisorders.

8. Realizing that the homes of many people have been damaged by shelling,we have launched a program to restore the central heating. We pay specialattention to families with children and the elderly.

9. Another important area for us is to support the economy of the regionand the country in general. To do that, we have opened a center where peoplecan get advice on starting their own business, take courses to learn a newprofession or upgrade their skills and get a job.

10. There are still a lot of tasks to be solved, and we are not restingon our laurels.

11. That is why we inviteyou to become our reliable partner and, together with our foundation, helpUkrainians to make their dreams of a better future come true.

How can you help?

  • Become a partner

    We are ready to implement programs that change people's lives for the better. Join our mission by supporting our initiatives.

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  • Become one of us

    Callus today if you want to share your resources or join our projects.
